Rawdhatul Uloom International Madrasa
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. Alhamdulillah. All Praise Belongs TO Allah. Rawdhatul Uloom International Madrasa Established In 2022. An Exceptional Educational Institution Run By The English Medium Curriculum. The Main Purpose Of This Institution Is To Practice Pure Knowledge Based On Quran And Sunnah; As Well As Providing Students With Up-To-Date And Quality Lessons On English Medium Curriculum As Per Edexcel/Cambridge Syllabus. One Of The Aims Of This Institution Is To Follow The Qur’an-Sunnah And Salafi Salehin’s Life Methodology And To Lay The Foundation Of Pure Arabic Language From The Very Beginning Of Life. At The Same Time, To Occupy The Seat Of Progress Equally In Today’s World. With The Emphasis On Being An Alem Doctor And Alem Engineer, The Institution Strives To Enlighten The Future Of Children Based On The Qur’an And Sunnah. There Are Opportunities To Study In This Institute In Residential, Non-Residential, And Day-Care From pre-Play To Std.5. This Is Our Endeavor To Build Students Into The Future Daee Of International Standards. Our Goal Is To Understand The Knowledge Of The Qur’an In The Language Of The Qur’an And To Spread It In Arabic And English, Including The Mother Tongue. Along With Acquiring The Ability To Speak, Write And Understand Arabic And English Fluently, Inshallah. There Is Also A Separate Quran Memorization Program (Qmp) For Interested Students To Complete Quran Memorization Under Special Activities. Following This Edexcel/Cambridge Syllabus In Future, Students Will Be Able To Become HafezAlem As Well As Become Doctors/Engineers Etc. By Being Admitted In All The Notable Universities Of The World.



  • English Medium Curriculum (Pre-Play to Std.5).
  • Edexcel/Cambridge Syllabus.
  • Hifz & Najera Divisions of International Standard.
  • Noorani Division.
  • Maktab Division.
  • In the future, the way is open to become a Hafez-Alem as well as a Doctor Engineer etc.
  • International Edexcel/Cambridge Syllabus.
  • International Standard Hifzul Quran.
  • High quality security Management.
  • Arrangement to serve food 5 times in a day to standard way.
  • Taught by Well-Skilled Teachers.
  • One Well-Skilled Teacher for Every 10/12 Students. 


Our Features

  • Teaching According To Arabic As Well As English Medium Curriculum (Edexcel/Cambridge Syllabus).
  • Online Quran Recitation And Recitation Will Be Arranged By International Experts Qari from Different Countries Including Kuwait, Qatar And Bangladesh.
  • Teaching By Experienced, Well-Skilled, Trained Teachers.
  • To Finish All The Reading Responsibilities In The Madrasa.
  • Round-The-Clock Monitoring (Via CCTV) System.
  • Arrangement To Serve Food 5 Times In A Day To Standard Way (In The Home Environment).
  • Special Effort For Weak And Inattentive Students.
  • Conducting Education Through Caress And Technique Instead Of Beating And Emotional Stress.
  • A Huge Effort To Build A Moral Character And Ideals As Good Citizens.
  • Ensuring A Pleasant Environment With Special Security Measures For Residential Students.
  • Arrangements For Residential Students To Do Laundry And Do Various Necessary Work.
  • Child Zone For Children.
  • 24-Hour Security Guard. 


In an era where education is evolving rapidly, Madrasa Division stands as a testament to the preservation of traditional Islamic knowledge while integrating modern educational methodologies. A Madrasa, in its essence, is an institution of learning that primarily focuses on Islamic teachings, theology, law, and philosophy. However, Madrasa Division goes beyond the conventional boundaries of religious education by incorporating English medium instruction, thus enabling students to navigate both the contemporary world and their religious heritage with fluency and confidence.

The fusion of English medium instruction with the traditional curriculum of Madrasa Division serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it facilitates a broader understanding of global issues, enabling students to engage critically with diverse perspectives beyond their immediate cultural context. By learning English, students gain access to a vast repository of knowledge, scientific advancements, and literary works, thereby empowering them to become active participants in the global discourse.

Secondly, the incorporation of modern pedagogical techniques ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that not only nurtures their religious identity but also equips them with the skills necessary for success in the modern world. Through interactive teaching methods, practical applications, and hands-on learning experiences, Madrasa Division cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity among its students.

Furthermore, Madrasa Division recognizes the importance of digital literacy in the 21st century and integrates technology seamlessly into its educational framework. By harnessing the power of digital tools, students gain access to a wealth of resources, online courses, and educational platforms that enrich their learning experience and prepare them for the digital landscape of the future.

Moreover, Madrasa Division places a strong emphasis on character development, moral values, and community service. Through various extracurricular activities, volunteer initiatives, and leadership programs, students are instilled with a sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, thus shaping them into conscientious individuals who contribute positively to society.

In conclusion, Madrasa Division represents a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, offering students a comprehensive education that is rooted in Islamic principles while embracing the complexities of the contemporary world. By nurturing intellectual curiosity, fostering critical thinking skills, and promoting ethical values, Madrasa Division empowers students to excel academically, spiritually, and morally, thereby shaping them into well-rounded individuals capable of making meaningful contributions to their communities and the world at large.



In the realm of Islamic education, the Hifz and Najera divisions stand as pillars in nurturing devout scholars and preserving the sacred texts of the Quran. These divisions play a crucial role in the comprehensive development of students in English medium madrasas, providing them with a solid foundation in both secular and religious knowledge.

Hifz, derived from the Arabic word meaning "to memorize," refers to the memorization of the entire Quran. This noble endeavor requires immense dedication, discipline, and spiritual devotion. Students in the Hifz division embark on a journey of memorization, committing each verse, chapter, and surah of the Quran to memory. Through daily recitations, rigorous study sessions, and the guidance of knowledgeable instructors, students gradually internalize the divine message of the Quran, fostering a deep spiritual connection with their faith.

The Hifz division not only serves to preserve the sacred text of Islam but also cultivates valuable skills and virtues within students. The memorization process enhances cognitive abilities, concentration, and linguistic proficiency. Moreover, it instills discipline, patience, and humility, as students navigate the challenges and joys of memorizing the Quran. Beyond academic achievement, Hifz students develop a profound reverence for the Quran, embodying its teachings in their daily lives.

Complementing the Hifz division, the Najera division focuses on the comprehensive study and understanding of Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and spirituality. Students delve into the depths of Islamic scholarship, exploring the rich intellectual tradition of fiqh (jurisprudence), aqeedah (theology), tafsir (exegesis), and tasawwuf (spirituality). Through engaging lectures, critical analysis of texts, and interactive discussions, students gain a holistic understanding of Islam's principles, values, and practices.

The Najera division not only equips students with theological knowledge but also nurtures critical thinking, moral reasoning, and ethical conduct. Students learn to apply Islamic teachings to contemporary issues, fostering a sense of social responsibility and ethical leadership. By engaging with diverse perspectives and grappling with complex theological concepts, students develop intellectual resilience and spiritual maturity, preparing them to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and integrity.

Together, the Hifz and Najera divisions form the cornerstone of Islamic education in English medium madrasas, providing students with a balanced and comprehensive curriculum that integrates faith and knowledge. By nurturing scholars who excel in both religious and secular domains, these divisions contribute to the enrichment of society, fostering individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also compassionate, principled, and deeply rooted in their faith. Through their dedication to the memorization of the Quran and the pursuit of Islamic scholarship, students in these divisions embody the timeless values of learning, piety, and service to humanity.


The Noorani Qaida, often referred to as the Noorani section, is a fundamental component of learning to read the Quran for English medium Madrasa students. Developed by Molvi Noor Muhammad Ludhyanvi, it serves as a foundational primer for beginners, both young and old, who are embarking on the journey of Quranic education.

The Noorani Qaida is structured systematically, starting with the basic Arabic alphabets and gradually progressing to more complex phonetic combinations and rules of Tajweed (the proper pronunciation of Quranic Arabic). Its design is particularly well-suited for English-speaking learners as it provides a step-by-step guide to mastering Arabic script and pronunciation, alongside transliterations and translations in English.

In English medium Madrasas, the Noorani section is typically integrated into the curriculum at the beginning stages of Quranic education. Students are introduced to the Arabic alphabet, focusing on letter recognition, pronunciation, and the formation of words. They learn to distinguish between similar-looking and sounding letters, which is crucial for accurate recitation of the Quran.

Furthermore, the Noorani Qaida incorporates interactive exercises and drills to reinforce learning, such as repetitive recitations, writing practice, and listening exercises. Teachers employ various pedagogical techniques to ensure comprehension and retention among students, including visual aids, audio recordings, and group activities.

As students progress through the Noorani section, they gradually advance to more complex lessons, including the rules of Tajweed and proper pronunciation of Quranic verses. Emphasis is placed on mastering the correct articulation of Arabic sounds, understanding the rules of elongation, and recognizing the symbols denoting various phonetic attributes.

The ultimate goal of the Noorani section in English medium Madrasas is to equip students with the foundational skills necessary to read the Quran fluently and accurately. Beyond mere literacy, it aims to cultivate a deep appreciation and understanding of the divine message contained within the Quran, fostering spiritual growth and a connection to the Islamic faith.

In conclusion, the Noorani section holds significant importance in English medium Madrasas, serving as the gateway to Quranic education for aspiring learners. Its systematic approach, tailored for English-speaking students, facilitates the acquisition of essential Arabic reading skills and lays a solid foundation for further study of the Quran and Islamic sciences.


In the realm of modern education, the integration of traditional teachings with contemporary methodologies has become imperative. Madrasas, institutions deeply rooted in Islamic education, have embarked on a transformative journey to meet the evolving needs of students. Among these innovations, the introduction of the MAKTAB division in English medium madrasas stands as a beacon of progress.

The term "MAKTAB" originates from the Arabic word "Maktabah," which means a library or a place of learning. In the context of English medium madrasas, the MAKTAB division symbolizes a holistic approach towards education, blending traditional Islamic studies with modern subjects like English language, mathematics, science, and social studies.

One of the primary objectives of the MAKTAB division is to provide students with a well-rounded education, equipping them with essential skills to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world while preserving their Islamic identity. Through this division, students not only delve into the depths of Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and history but also engage with subjects crucial for academic and professional success.

The curriculum of the MAKTAB division is meticulously designed to ensure a seamless integration of Islamic studies and modern education. Students are exposed to a diverse range of subjects, allowing them to develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and a global perspective. By studying English language and literature, students enhance their communication skills, enabling them to effectively articulate their thoughts and ideas.

Moreover, the inclusion of mathematics and science fosters a spirit of inquiry and discovery, encouraging students to explore the wonders of the natural world through both scientific and Islamic lenses. Social studies provide students with insights into various cultures, societies, and historical events, promoting tolerance, empathy, and intercultural understanding.

The MAKTAB division also emphasizes character development and moral education, instilling in students the values of compassion, integrity, and service to humanity. Through a combination of academic instruction, spiritual guidance, and extracurricular activities, students cultivate a strong sense of identity rooted in Islamic principles while embracing their roles as responsible global citizens.

Furthermore, the MAKTAB division leverages modern pedagogical techniques and educational technologies to enhance the learning experience. Interactive multimedia resources, online platforms, and collaborative learning environments empower students to engage actively in their education, fostering creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning habits.

In conclusion, the MAKTAB division represents a paradigm shift in English medium madrasas, bridging the gap between traditional Islamic education and contemporary academic standards. By embracing a holistic approach that integrates Islamic teachings with modern subjects, this division equips students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world while remaining steadfast in their faith. It heralds a new era of education that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusivity, and nurtures the holistic development of every student.



For More Information


Courses We Cover

We are officially approved by board of Education.

We teach cursive fonts

We Provide Graphic Based Sheet per day

We teach fluently British accent

Projector Class daily

Our students share their stories...

Our counsellors and institutions answer your burning questions in less than 30 seconds

Events & Activities

Nov 15

Wednesday at 8:30 am


Dec 14

Thursday at 8:30 am


Dec 16

Saturday at 8:30 am


Our other Madrasa
(JAMIA ISLAMIA MADRASATUL ASHRAF) This Madrasa is Totally Qawmi (Male) Based & (MIFTAHUL QURAN MOHILA MADRASA) This Madrasa is Also Totally Qawmi (Female) Based